Adventures around Home

In between our trips to Kelowna and camping, we have had some sweet times around home.

Back in July, we biked the seawall as a family. Peter did an amazing job and biked 12 kilometers on his own. Near the end he asked to stop for some breaks when we passed by a bench. When we would sit down he said "I need to rest my weary wheels" (he loves to quote The Little Engine that Could). 

Spencer and I celebrated our 9 year anniversary by returning to the Seawall for a run and dinner. Being married to Spencer is one of the greatest gifts God has given me. I love doing life with him.

Our favorite dessert at the Teahouse.

Our favorite dessert at the Teahouse.

Our kids had a great time at the Loft Village Kids Camp. Peter was thrilled that the last day was for the entire family and he was able to ride a pony. Karis was excited to be at camp this year with her big sisters.


All ready for the first day of kid's camp!

All ready for the first day of kid's camp!

Excited to participate!

Excited to participate!

We enjoyed a visit from the Tanner family and took a picture with all of our kids on our front steps. Naomi and I used to live together in Victoria and it was so special to get our families together.


I have been taking our kids for weekly bike dates. We go biking together, stop and read a book on the bench in the park, have conversation and enjoy one-on-one time. The intention is that my date ends up feeling loved, and filled up with quality time - it turns out that this time fills me up as well. I love spending one on one time with our kids. 

One of our goals this year in homeschooling is to run together as a family. We plan to get out a few times a week and go for a run at our local park. Our family thrives when we are active and getting plenty of exercise. Here we are in pre-season training.


A neighbor down the street was getting rid of a treehouse, so we have been working on a project. Our friends and neighbors the Perdues share a back fence with us and we have been planning on getting a treehouse or a gate to have a joined space where we can visit. So our project has been moving the treehouse from down the street into our yards. It has been fun and very exciting for the kids. Molly's grandpa, Peter, had the brilliant idea of putting the treehouse on wheels and wheeling it down the street instead of taking it apart. We plan to call our treehouse "La Fleur Perdue" which means "the lost flower" and is also both of our last names.


And here are some other random pictures from our days...

And some more videos of our little walker...