2021-2022 School Year

It’s a little late for a back to school post… but here it is 😊

Our year is off to a wonderful start. This year we have a grade 7, 6, 4, 2 and Kindergartener. I am blessed to be homeschooling the kids again this year. We are continuing with using β€œA Gentle Feast” as our main curriculum. We are using Math Mammoth and also participating in Ignite musical theatre. The girls are enjoying learning tap dancing through theatre this year. Ella and Juliette will be performing in Mary Poppins and Karis and Peter will be Seussical.

Peter and Silas have joined a hockey league and their team is called β€œCyclones”. They are passionate hockey players and find much enjoyment in playing. I am proud of how hard they work on the ice. Last Friday their team had their first loss and I was also thankful that they displayed good sportsmanship in losing well.

A funny story about hockey is that for Silas, everything seems to be a hockey game. For example, at the table if he is asked to pass the butter, he will say β€œthe butter coming towards centre ice, skates around the salt, lands at Ella’s plate, what a pass.” Also - when I am giving him a reading lesson and he has to tell me what sound β€œm” makes, he makes a very long sound of a goal horn, often starting with β€œBoesser takes a shot he scores, mmmmmmmmm". Never a dull moment.

Here are some samples of their school work thus far. I am thankful for our rhythm and our consistent routine. I am noticing much growth in each one of them. My prayer is that they love learning and live lives that glorify God.