Wrapping Up Term 2

As I saw the renewal for our blog come off our credit card the other day, I thought it would be good if we actually updated it. So I am going to try to start to update monthly-ish.

We have had a wonderful second term of school. Spring Break starts in a week and a half. This term we have been learning about the War of 1812, the Civil War, Tchaichovsky, Cassatt, and many other things happening in the 19th century. Some of our favourite books this term have been: Abraham Lincoln’s World, the Hobbit, and Number the Stars. Personal favourites for each of our kids have been:

Ella - Around the World in 80 Days

Juliette - Polyanna

Karis - The Adventures of Geraldine Wilkins

Peter - A Lion to Guard Us

Silas - 5 minute Hockey Stories.

We continue to hold a weekly Bible Study for neighbourhood kids. It has grown and we now have 7 kids joining us every Tuesday night. March 15th will mark the one year anniversary of our Bible Study and we plan to celebrate with… Lucky Donuts. It’s been a blessing going through the book of John together and praying with the kids that come into our home.

A huge highlight for our boys this year has been playing hockey. They love the sport and playing on a team was such a good experience for them. Winning and losing games provided many character lessons. Spencer and I are so proud of how hard they worked, how much they improved, and how much they truly cared about the other boys on their team. Silas wore #8, and Peter wore #10. After they lost their last game, Silas asked me if I could please continue to call him “The Great 8” - and I absolutely will.

Street hockey is still going strong in front of our home pretty much every day. Peter and Silas have several boys in the neighbourhood that come knocking on our door to ask them to play. One boy knocks and just says “are the 2 hockey boys available to play?”. The other day, Peter came in and asked “What does legit on fire mean?” Tyler told me during hockey today that I was “legit on fire.”

Peter and Karis will be performing their musical theatre play “Seussical” on March 16th. Ella and Juliette will perform in Mary Poppins later in May. Silas will continue to enjoy dates with mom every Wednesday while the others are at musical theatre. He has told me Wednesdays are his favourite day. And I too enjoy time with my Great 8.

We have been blessed by the homeschool community surrounding us and I have attached a few pictures of our gatherings below as well. Thanks for reading :)

Oh yah - and we went to a Canucks game and saw them lose terribly. It was really fun (really, it was). The kids loved going and think it should be an annual event. When the Canucks were losing 5-0, Peter said “how do we turn this game off” - haha. They have been disappointing us for years, but we continue to be faithful fans. One of these years… one of these years…