Family Day

This past weekend was a long weekend here in BC. Monday was Family Day. We have a tradition of washing one another's feet on Family Day. We read John 13, and wash one another's feet while we pray and encourage one another. This year we decided to also make this day a family service day. Since our heart is to serve together as a family, we wanted to do something on Family Day that captures our family vision. This year we handed out hot chocolate and Timbits in downtown Whalley. As usual, we came home from this day feeling blessed and full of joy. We are so thankful to live where we do and to know Christ and be able to share His love. It is a privilege. 

Other pictures include: Silas' upgrade to the strider bike, a trip to the dentist, Ella's example page to help Karis write her Valentine's, and many of our outdoor adventures.